
6. Madden NFL 06

Certified Bangers: “Bat Country,” by Avenged Sevenfold, “Ink,” by Finch, “Born to Win,” by Papoose.

Other Fat Tracks: “Move Around,” by Bump J, “Hate in Ya Eyes,” by Chamillionaire, “Dance, Dance,” by Fall Out Boy, “Streetcar,” By Funeral For a Friend, “Mind on the Road,” by Rev. Run.

Damn, Son. Where’d You Find This?: “When I Get Angry,” by Spider Loc

While 2006 was short on certified bangers, it contained many solid entries of the Madden song catalogue. Hard-hitting songs from Avenged Sevenfold and Finch gave 2006 an edge, while contributions from a pre-Kanye West shout outed Bump J and a pre-Summer Jam-crashing Papoose retained the series’ familiar hip hop flavor.

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However, Spider Loc’s “When I Get Angry” supplied gamers with one of the most memorable quotes in the game’s illustrious soundtrack history with the epic line:

” You don’t want to see what I do when I get angry. I got the hugest hands and I just might use ’em man.”