Donald Trump Syndication: USA TODAY

Longtime Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was not at all pleased with what he saw from Donald Trump during the presidential debate on Thursday night, and he called out the former president on social media.

Responding to a question about whether or not he would be changing his vote after watching the poor performance of Joe Biden against Donald Trump in the debate, Cuban made it clear that he would still be voting for Biden and did not hold back in blasting Donald Trump.

“His performance was awful. But so was Trump’s. Biden was feeble. Trump couldn’t directly answer a single question and lied with every response. The question is what features voters believe make a better POTUS : Feeble, Capable and Ethical vs Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable of telling the truth. I’ll vote ethical every time,” Cuban said in a post on social media.

Cuban said that while Biden is the better candidate, he wasn’t equipped to be able to handle Trump’s debate style, which revolves around lies and soundbites.

“The reality is Joe wasn’t capable last night of debating someone who only lies. He doesn’t have the energy or ability to shout him down, hold him accountable and laugh at Trump’s responses. Joe could have held his own against a candidate that actually can discuss policy. But that wasn’t the challenge last night and Joe wasn’t prepared or capable of dealing with Donald and his style,” Cuban said.

Cuban went on to offer a scathing review of Trump’s debate.

“That aside, there is no way you could listen to Donald last night and come away feeling confident that Trump has the ability to go deeper than his practiced soundbites. He repeated himself often and never directly answered the moderator’s questions,” Cuban said. “There was nothing that would give anyone confidence he could hold his own in any complicated situation. Or that he could intellectually go toe to toe with any world leader or adversary.

“In fact, his non answers about J6 and election acceptance should scare every American about his interest in upholding his oath to the constitution.”

Needless to say, Cuban was not a fan of Trump’s performance in the debate.

[Mark Cuban]