
It appears that everybody enjoys making fun of Paul Bissonnette, even Google.

As 2014 comes to a close, the multibillion dollar corporation has erected billboards featuring the biggest Internet searches of the past year, which apparently includes BizNasty’s “Ice Bucket Challenge.” If you haven’t seen the video yet, do yourself a favor and click that link to check it out.

While it’s pretty cool for Bissonnette that his video was one of the Internet’s most searched items of 2014 and Google gave him his own billboard, it’s not ALL good news for the forward. Bissonnette, who is currently on an AHL tryout with the Los Angeles Kings’ minor-league affiliate, the Manchester Monarchs, is often chirped for being better at social media than he is at hockey, and it looks like Google just couldn’t resist the easy joke on their billboard in Times Square.

Not only that, they spelled his name wrong, which may or may not be because it was searched with that spelling.

Either way, hopefully the NHL and Google are kinder to BizNasty in 2015.

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