Xander Schauffle Michael Madrid-USA TODAY Sports

Tragedy has struck the world of professional golf.

An errant shot has created a freak accident that will forever alter the life and career of a young professional golfer. According to Fox Sports, Australian professional Jeffrey Guan was struck in the eye during a pro-am tournament last month and has lost sight in that eye.

Guan says that he had just teed off and was on his way back to his cart after teeing off when the accident occurred.

Guan had the first of two emergency surgeries that evening.

Guan’s recovery could take as long as a year.

“As you can imagine, this whole situation not only came at a tremendous cost but has also significantly affected me and my family emotionally and mentally,” Guan wrote in an Instagram post.

“The thought of all my years of hard work and training, plus my family’s sacrifice, had just been thrown out the window…

“Fortunately, I have been lucky enough to have a huge support group around me, and I can’t thank all of them enough for the support I have received in recent weeks. I wouldn’t be where I am right now without all the encouragement and assistance I have received…

“I will continue to work hard and do my best to achieve my dream. These four weeks have been the toughest of my life, but I am stronger mentally and will be ready to conquer any obstacle in the future.

“I will be back.”


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It’s a terrible tragedy for the young man to go through. Hopefully, he is able to make as complete a recovery as possible and golf again one day.


About Qwame Skinner

Qwame Skinner has loved both writing and sports his entire life. At Next Impulse, Qwame covers sports with the same enthusiasm he brings to his recreational basketball and softball leagues.