Former NBA player Allen Iverson, who had a recent short lived playing stint in Turkey, let loose against police with curse words when a car belonging to him (while riding in the passenger seat) was pulled over for a traffic violation last week. According to the police report Iverson said at one point, “Take the vehicle, I have 10 more.”

Iverson, 35, was a passenger in a grey Lamborghini, which was pulled over for changing lanes without signaling about 6 p.m. on March 30.

The driver, identified in the report as Antwuan Clisby, was not able to produce any documentation for the vehicle, the report said. He then told the officer his passenger needed to leave the vehicle to eat dinner, and the officer said no one was leaving until the investigation was complete.

With that, Iverson became “irate,” saying, “I’m the (expletive) passenger.” The officer called for backup, and a second unit arrived, according to the report. Clisby and Iverson were asked to exit the vehicle, while Iverson continued to curse at the officer, the report said. When Iverson was old that his vehicle was going to be towed he retorted:

“Take the vehicle, I have 10 more, police don’t have anything else (expletive) to do except (expletive) with me.” He then asked, “Do you know who I am?”

The officer wrote in his report that “For the next 20 minutes, Mr. Iverson went on and on about who he was. I stated to Mr. Iverson, ‘It really doesn’t matter who you are. You tried to conceal your vehicle with a fake drive-out tag due to you not paying for your tags.’ ”

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Iverson then said, “I make more money than you will in 10 years,” according to the report.

The car was towed, and Iverson later “came back and apologized for disrespecting the police,” according to the police report. “He stated he was just upset about his car.”

via CNN