Rainbow Flag LGBTQ Pride Syndication: Wicked Local

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova has not been shy about speaking out against transgender women competing in women’s sports. And she recently revealed that she has received a lot of hate and criticism as a result of her stance.

This week, Martina Navratilova spoke at the “Our Bodies, Our Sports” rally in Washington D.C. as part of the “Take Back Title IX Summer Bus Tour,” which pushes back against the recent changes to Title IX that emphasize “gender identity” rather than “sex.” During her speech, she claimed that she had received some hateful messages as a result of her opinion on trans athletes.

“I personally have never been called worse names than I have been called this last few years,” Navratilova said. “’Oh, you are a lesbian.’ That was the worst I got [in the 1980s]… Now, it’s ‘oh, you’re a homophobe.’ Go figure. I’ve been out since ’81. Yeah, I’m a homophobe.

“’You’re a bigot. You’re a transphobe. You’re a Nazi. You’re a fascist. You’re a communist. Anything and everything in between. And this is coming from the left. I am the left. My people are turning on me, and they’re turning on us, women who speak up for women’s sex-based rights.”

This comes just days after Navratilova feuded with sportswriter Ben Rothenberg over their differing opinions regarding transgender athletes.

Clearly, Navratilova has strong opinions and she is willing to express them.
