For those unaware of skeleton racing at the Olympics, it is basically like the luge except you go head first. Luge is already scary enough, and this just ups the ante. One U.S. Olympian, John Daly is trying to win gold but is also hoping he can trust his teammates along the way.

Instead what he is doing is falling and hoping that his team will catch him along the way. Daly has done the exercise many times but here are the three best entries.

Poor, poor Steven Langton. Daly is just messing with him regularly, and he seems to put up with it. Now that is a good teammate relationship.

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Langton is a bobsledder, and Daly is a skeleton racer, but that doesn’t mean that the two can’t get along. Daly is doing his best though to throw a wrench into it all.

If there were a gold medal for trust falling onto others, Daly would quickly get one. Until that gets approved as an event, Daly will have to accept skeleton for now. He’ll be competing February 15-18.

[For the Win]

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at