Aaron Rodgers John Jones-USA TODAY Sports

New York Jets star quarterback Aaron Rodgers has become rather notorious for his anti-vaccine stance, and this week the football player publically argued with a prominent vaccine scientist about the COVID-19 vaccine.

This week, Aaron Rodgers posted a rather insulting message toward Dr. Peter Hotez on his Instagram story, presumably in an effort to convince him to debate anti-vax political candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Rodgers shared a video clip on his Instagram story showing Hotez admitting to unhealthy eating habits, with the quarterback adding the text “@robertfkennedyjr would mop this bum.” Hotez quickly responded, calling it a “cheap shot” from Rodgers and pointing out his history of anti-vaccine rhetoric.

“Disappointed he took a cheap shot vs me this wk. In 2021 during our awful delta wave we were losing 2,000 Americans/day, >80% among unvaccinated, when vaccines were 90% protective vs death/serious illness, I criticized him for his public antivaccine stance,” Hotez said in a tweet.

“This is so unnecessary, I have no bad thoughts for Aaron, I needed to speak out in 2021 to try and save lives. 200,000 unvaccinated Americans needlessly perished during those delta BA.1 waves in last half of 2021 early 2022,” Hotez said in a tweet.

Rodgers did not immediately respond to Hotez’s tweet.

[Peter Hotez]