
As a part of its unveiling of a new dog-walking area at the Ohio State Veterinary Medical Center, OSU showcased a brand-new prop that was made specifically for the area’s four-legged visitors.

Prominently featured in the dog walking-area is a fire hydrant that is painted in a certain rival’s blue and yellow. If the nod wasn’t obvious enough, the hydrant is also stamped with a yellow ‘M.’

Without mentioning Michigan by name, the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine did release this pretty amusing statement on the hydrant:

The new dog-walking area that was built as part of Phase 1 of the Enhancement and Expansion project at the Ohio State Veterinary Medical Center (VMC) is ready and includes a special fire hydrant for the dogs that prefer to “relieve themselves” on a familiar outdoor object. The design is a delight to Ohio State football fans, who enjoy all references to The Rivaly with “that team up north,” and features a maize and blue color scheme.

The Columbus Dispatch decided to visit OSU to document the hydrant being, well, used.

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