
On Tuesday, Kansas State University announced that it would be issuing a self-imposed fine of $5,000 to the Big 12 (as well as suspending its marching band director for one game) for its marching band’s now-infamous Saturday halftime show depiction of the Starship Enterprise that ended up looking like something much more NSFW.

However, it appears that Kansas State fans disagree with their school’s administration decision to punish itself and its marching band’s director for the halftime show. One Kansas State fan decided to start a GoFundMe page to raise enough money to pay the fine that, once again, Kansas State issued to itself. Incredibly, the page managed to raise over $10,000 in one day for the five grand fine.

kansas state gofundme

The creator of the page was able to contact the KSU marching band and it appears that the funds will end up going towards the band’s scholarship funds instead. Talk about making the best of a bad/awkward situation.

Thank you all for your continued support of the #StandWithDT GoFundMe. After speaking to the band, they have requested that the money be placed in the scholarship funds for the band through the KSU Foundation.

[Lost Lettermen]

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