On Thursday, Ohio State quarterback Cardale Jones decided to Tweet about the social justice movement #BlackLivesMatter.
Retweet if you agree with me #BlackLivesMatter
— Cardale Jones (@CJ12_) July 23, 2015
why is it that the only ones getting beaten, killed when unarmed, & mysteriously dien in custody are African American
— Cardale Jones (@CJ12_) July 23, 2015
However, because he’s an athlete or something, his opinion on a relevant and pressing issue wasn’t welcomed by one Ohio State fan. Per Complex, this is what Buckeyes fan @DanGustafson1 had to say to Jones for daring to think about anything but FOOTBAWL:
@CJ12_ worry about getting us fans another championship….. Stay out of this bullshit. #GoBucks
— DGus1228 (@DanGustafson1) July 23, 2015
Brilliantly, Jones didn’t let @DanGustafson1 off the hook. Instead, he roasted him to a crisp and then left him out to dry for the rest of Twitter to judge.
@DanGustafson1 Sorry Mr master, I aints allow to tweet nothing but foolsball stuff I donts want you think I more than a foots ball playa sir
— Cardale Jones (@CJ12_) July 23, 2015
@DanGustafson1 #FOH, welcome to the blocked list 
— Cardale Jones (@CJ12_) July 23, 2015
How bad did @DanGustafson1 get rightfully burned? So bad that the man pretty much had to take this dude’s advice.
@ThatBoysGood @CJ12_ @DanGustafson1 you gotta delete your account, dan. That's the rules of "been dunked on" Twitter.
— Conley (@Conley76) July 23, 2015
And wouldn’t you know it, when one searches for “@DanGustafson1” on Twitter, this is what pops up: