The Derek Jeter retirement lovefest flourished over the All-Star break, with ample opportunities for everyone and their dog to gush, rightfully so, over the first-ballot Hall of Famer.

As No. 2 continues his farewell tour, there remains two-plus months of games for you to see him in pinstripes one final time. Obviously the most priceless of those in-person opportunities comes on Thursday, September 25th, when Jeter will play his final home game. This isn’t a grab the kiddos and have a cheap day at the ballpark kind of game. This is an open your 401k and throw a few grand at secondary market tickets kind of game.

As of Wednesday afternoon, StubHub tickets are starting at $205.20 each, and those are obstructed view seats with NO alcohol allowed.

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Bleacher seats are starting at $232 (again, obstructed view) while 100-level outfield seats sit at $299 a pop and 100-level infield seats are a whopping $637.50.

Feeling extra ambitious? The up-close-and-personal Legends Suites tickets are rolling in at $4,075 each.

Those numbers could feed a small country for a year.


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