
In collaboration with design firm Teague, Nike is looking to make athletes’ lives even more comfortable, not with their apparel but with their travels.

The resulting design (there’s no plans for production yet) emphasizes maximizing space as much as possible while not cramming passengers into uncomfortable positions or seating arrangements. Instead of normal “cabins”, Teague and Nike want to partition the plane into different areas where players can get their athletic needs attended to while travelling:

Recovery: equalizing the negative effects of air travel on the mind and body, and bringing the training room to 40,000 feet through in-flight biometrics and analysis to accelerate injury diagnosis and treatment.

Circulation: fostering natural mobility and building in equipment that ensures optimal circulation and promotes healing.

Sleep: designing ideal sleeping conditions for individuals and sleep strategies for entire teams to maximize physical readiness.

Thinking: creating spaces for key mental activities, especially film study—enabling in-transit film review both before and after games.

As for the actual look of the plane’s interior, it’s pretty slick. If Nike and Teague can’t get these designs off the ground (pun intended), at least they have some nice mock-ups for a future science-fiction film.



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[Bleacher Report]