A Pittsburgh area high school was the scene of a bizarre and heinous crime Wednesday morning, after a male sophomore student went on a stabbing rampage. At least 20 people — mostly students — were injured in the attack, and it could have been more if not for the actions of Nate Scimio, who managed to pull the fire alarm and alert the school to the attacker.

Scimio was taken to the hospital and treated for what appears to be arm wounds. He was lucky, considering two other students are in critical condition, while another suffered a stab wound that just narrowly missed his aorta. After Scimio was bandaged up, he snapped a selfie in the hospital, which, naturally, led to an influx of media attempting to contact him for interviews.

StabbingNow, we normally don’t condone selfies in times of crisis, but we’ll give this one a pass because the kid’s a hero. Good job.
