
While King James may not have an NBA title, he absolutely gets the title of most reusable quote.  As we begin 24 hours of LeBron madness we have to pay tribute to the man, and the moment, that started it all.

1         Dropping a deuce

  • “I’m taking my talents to South Beach, pass me those matches.”

2         When advising someone to break up with their significant other

  • “Honestly dude, she’s a whore, you need to take your talents to South Beach.”

3         After beating the Miami Heat

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4         Coming out of the closet

  • “What do you mean you don’t date women anymore”
  • “I know it’s confusing Dad, but it was time to take my talents to South Beach.”

5         When breaking up with your girl

  • “This isn’t working for me, I need to take my talents to South Beach.”

6         To convince an NBA owner to spend $43 million for 3rd place


7         When heading out for the night with the guys

  • “Whatta ya say fellas, let’s take our talents to South Beach.”

8         As the hook for your press clip mashup

9         Dine and dashing

  • “I’m taking my talents to South Beach, ha!”

10     Dropping acid

  • “Grab me some blankets, I’m gonna take my talents to South Beach.”

11     Quitting your job

  • “I don’t need this place, I’m taking my talents to South Beach.”

12     After being fired from your job

  • “I’m sorry John but your role will no longer be necessary.”
  • “Fuck you, I’m taking my talents to South Beach.”

13     When committing suicide

  • “Ever since Melissa left me I feel dead inside so I’m taking my talents to South Beach.  Don’t blame yourselves.”

14     Any time you are planning a trip to Miami

  • “What are you up to for spring break?”
  • “I’m taking my talents to South Beach.”

15     When committing to play football at The U

  • “So Deion, which at will it be”
  • “I’ve thought about this a lot Kevin… I’m taking my talents to South Beach.  Go Canes!”

16     Any time you leave the room

  • “Where you going?”
  • “I’m taking my talents to South Beach”

17     When leaving the bar before everyone else

  • “Sorry guys, time to take my talents to South Beach”

18     When accepting cash from a recruiter or agent

19     When a girl you thought you had no shot with passes you her number

  • “Well, well, well, I’m taking my talents to South Beach.”

20     The morning after a one night stand

  • “What happened to you last night?”
  • “I had to take my talents to South Beach.”

21     In a eulogy

  • “We’re all so lucky for the time we had with Tim before he took his talents to South Beach.”

22     Upon resurrection [editors note: this one would be best used by Jesus]

  • “But we buried you in the cave, what happened?”
  • “I had to take my talents to South Beach.”

23     When explaining to a friend that you are going to cheat on your wife

  • “She’s never in the mood for sex anymore, I’m taking my talents to South Beach.”

24     After winning the Super Bowl

  • “You’ve just won the Super Bowl, what are you going to do next?”
  • “I’m taking my talents to South Beach!”

25     To rip out the heart of a city that made you it’s god (LeBron link)

Let us know what we missed with your own additions down in comment land.