Philadelphia Phillies manager Charlie Manuel was fired today – the day he was supposed to be recognized by the team for achieving 1000 career managerial wins. Seriously.
As a GM, it’s perfectly understandable to fire your manager if he’s been underperforming for quite some time, but to do it on the day he is to be honored by the team in front of 40,000+ fans? Classy. For shame, Ruben Amaro Jr., we’re all wagging the finger at you. But on the flip side, it would have been far more awkward to honor him and then can him shortly thereafter.
Manuel, the team’s manager since 2005, is the all time franchise leader in wins and was able to lead the Phillies to five consecutive playoff berths, including back-to-back World Series appearances, winning it all in 2008.

[Crossing Broad, Philadelphia Phillies, @MrTimLivingston]