The subway is used by many people in large cities all across the world. It isn’t a fundamental necessity, but it sure is helpful.
A neat collaboration with Overkill, a shoe shop in Berlin, Germany is selling a pair of Adidas that come with real benefits. No, they aren’t guaranteeing that you can jump higher or run faster, they’re offering free subway fare for a year.
Now you’re going to ask, is that a good deal? The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), the subway system in Berlin will cost you USD $869 for an annual pass. The shoes themselves only cost USD $220, not a bad deal at all.
The catch here is that there are only 500 pairs available. This shoe is obviously created as a fresh bit of marketing, but it also makes the sneaker very exclusive. The shoes are patterned after the seats inside the subway.
From the picture shown above, these are a slick pair of shoes, and they’ll save you money. What else can you ask for with a pair of shoes?