Furbies were these robotic toy animal things that tormented many people who are now coming of age with horrifying TV commercials and just their mere presence.
From the start, these weird bird, gremlin looking robotic night terrors were always horrifying. And now, someone has hacked into these toys and inserted the voice of Amazon Alexa, and I’m done everyone, life’s been good.
Normally, Furbies speak a version of English only familiar to Tommy Wiseau, and now, it’s Alexa asking you how you’re doing today or whether you want that same Domino’s order from two weeks ago.
Zack from Howchoo also detailed how you can hack your own Furby using Alexa running on a Rasberry Pi and a few custom python scripts, which while though sounding like total gibberish to me, allowed one of the most terrifying toys ever created by man to now be able to tell you that it’s 37 degrees outside today, Matt.
This is our future everyone: old robotic toys for seven-year-olds being repurposed as robots to answer to our every whim. An army of Furbies powered by Jeff Bezos’ drone army will soon take over the world.
It’s been good, y’all.