Millennials, am I right?

I wish there was more to this than what the title of this article says, but nope, it’s just teenagers trying to stuff themselves inside a port-a-potty.

Here is a South Carolina high school cross-country team trying to complete the challenge:

For some reason, most people performing the challenge and taping themselves doing it are high school runners, for reasons we don’t quite understand. Here is a compilation video, if you’re still bothered to read the rest of this piece:

This tweet has 69 likes! But it’s not nice considering this poor child is stuffing himself into a disgusting piece of public convenience in order to garner a sliver of social media fame.

There have been plenty of bad teen memes over the years, but this one is probably the worst because it involves portable toilets and stuffing yourself inside of them. We all hate millennial think pieces, but a think piece on why this is a thing is probably welcomed and needed right now.


About Matt Lichtenstadter

Recent Maryland graduate. I've written for many sites including World Soccer Talk,, Testudo Times, Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog and more. Houndstooth is still cool, at least to me. Follow me @MattsMusings1 on Twitter, e-mail me about life and potential jobs at matthewaaron9 at Yahoo dot com.