If you didn’t already know, which is pretty much impossible by the way he keeps repeating it over-and-over again, Michael Jordan was a pretty good one-on-one player. But in between his second and third retirement in 1999, Bulls guard Corey Benjamin apparently forgot and called his Airness out to a game of one-on-one when he stopped by a practice before picking his kid up from school. Let me to you how this went down for Benjamin if you didn’t already know: soulcrushingly.
Check the abuse out for youself.
No player does one-on-one like MJ. He not only beats you, it seems like he pummels you to the ground so that you never want to play again with all of his trash-talking. He even tells Benjamin how he’s going to score, at a certain point in the game.
He never challenged his Airness to a game of one-on-one after that, which is probably a good idea.