Canadian’s are certifiably insane when it comes to hockey. You know it, I know it, even Canadians know it. They bear the badge of insanity with honor and enthusiasm which is why it’s never a surprise when one of them decides to up the ante when it comes to their love for the winter game.
The most recent example of this supreme passion was brought to us by Justin Lachapelle, a diehard Canadiens fan living in Montreal. For eight years he gave blood, sweat and tears towards achieving the ultimate goal of having one of the nicest backyard rinks anyone has laid eyes upon. We’ll let you be the judge as to whether he achieved that goal.
Oh, and by the way, it has it’s own rink-side bar and is resurfaced by a modified golf cart. I’m guessing that will earn him a few stick taps of approval.
Here is a video of Lachapelle using his tricked-out golf cart to create the winter masterpiece.