Last year when I wrote this post I spoke about how the NHL was in full swing.  Not so much this year, it seems, but the NFL is in full swing, the NBA starts tonight, and the time change happens this weekend. With all of this considered, what else could it possibly mean?

MOVEMBER!  That’s right, gang!  It’s time for Cosby Sweaters and its family to help raise awareness (and money) for men’s health by growing virile moustaches.  You know how the NFL wore pink for a month to support breast cancer awareness?  Same thing here, only fewer boobs and no pink.  Here are some of the advantages to growing a MOvember moustache:

  • You’ll look totally manly
  • Women will want you
  • Clean-shaven men will envy you
  • Your shirt won’t be stained by your lunch droppings because the moustache will catch it all
  • Everyone will think you are good at woodworking
  • You can hunt small game simply by using your stare

Here’s a short primer for those of you who don’t know what Movember is:

Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne, Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.9 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health cause across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.

No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.

In 2011, over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world got on board, raising $126.3 million USD.

Here’s the best part – you can join the Cosby Sweaters team by CLICKING THIS LINK.  You don’t have to be a man or even an abnormally hairy woman to join the MOvement, either! There is always plenty of room for a Mo’ Sista!

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Here are the official rules for Movember:

1.  Each Mo Bro must start Nov. 1 with a clean-shaven face.

2. For the entire month of November, each Mo Bro must grow and groom a moustache.

3.  There is to be no joining of the moustache to the sideburns (that’s considered a beard).

4.  There is to be no joining of the handlebars to the chin (that’s considered a goatee).

5.  Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true country gentleman.

How easy is that?  Starting MOvember 1st, Big Skeezy and some of the other CS staffers will be growing their moustaches and raising money to support this wonderful cause.  

Joining us is easy!  Just click THIS LINK and sign up today!  Let’s show the world how hairy and charitable we can be!