
Ah, Spring Training…the perfect chance to put winter behind you, look forward to a long summer full of baseball, and prematurely ink a “World Series Champs” tattoo on your body in honor of your favorite team.

What, that last part isn’t something you typically do?

Well, that’s the route that Pete Johnson, a 29-year-old Washington Nationals fan and D.C. area lawyer, went recently when he decided to get a “Nationals World Series Champs 2015” tattoo on his foot. This is a bit concerning for a few different reasons.

The first, obviously, is that it’s March and the Nationals, while possessing a pretty great team – possibly even the best in the National League – and a solid chance at taking home a title in October, have yet to win a single meaningful game this season, never mind the World Series.

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In addition to the tattoo being extremely premature – and, therefore, stupid –  it’s also just a really terrible tattoo. That font looks like it was scribbled by an eight-year old child suffering a stroke. In fact, the word ‘series’ looks more like ‘søies’ thanks to the E and the R being placed so close together that they resemble one letter instead of two.

According to D.C. Sports Blog, Johnson said he wanted the tattoo “to look like I just wrote it on there and forgot to wash it off.” I guess congratulations are in order then .

My final (and maybe most important) concern is the fact that this was a conscious decision was made by a grown man who is paid to handle other people’s legal matters. Seriously, who wouldn’t want this man representing them in court?

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Sign me up. Prison sounds fun.

[Sportress of Blogitude]