Stian Ytterdahl McDonalds Tattoo

Stian Ytterdahl doesn’t like McDonald’s… HE LOVES MCDONALD’S!!! As the story goes the 18-year-old from Lørenskog, Norway does well in the women department and his friends wanted to punish him for his luck with the ladies by diminishing his attractiveness so girls wouldn’t find him as desirable. I guess the cockblocking in Norway is next level and a simply telling an embarrassing story about your friend puking on himself after drinking four Natty Lights isn’t harsh enough. Stian had two choices, a Barbie tattoo on his ass or a McDonald’s receipt tattoo on his arm. I’m still not sure why Stian telling his friends to go f*ck themselves wasn’t option #3, but we continue. Well Ytterdahl decided that the McDonald’s receipt tattoo was more “cool” than the Barbie tattoo. He got the fast food receipt and it will forever remind Stian of his unhealthy eating habits of his youth including his love for something called “Happy Cheese.” I don’t know what “Happy Cheese,” but boy do I need it in my life.

Ytterdahl told the newspaper Romereskes Blad:

Now I’m a living billboard. But I think all this is just fun. Maybe it won’t be as fun when I’m 50 or 60 years, but it’s my choice.”

Sabelink Tattoo said it was the strangest tattoo they had ever done. The tat shop asked Ytterdahl if he’d get their receipt on his other arm for free and of course the misguided youth agreed and the next receipt ink is scheduled for Monday. Unfortunately Ytterdahl didn’t have the foresight to strike a deal with a company that would have paid him money to advertise their business on his billboard arm for the rest of his life.

Well it could have been worse I guess, it could have been a receipt from a local pharmacy for treatment for an STD.

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