
Frölunda HC, a professional hockey club playing in the Swedish Hockey League, apparently doesn’t mess around when it comes to Movember. Not only have a bunch of the team’s players committed to sporting mustaches to raise awareness for men’s health issues, the club will also be selling t-shirts and other merchandise to raise money for those issues – including prostate and testicular cancer – as well.

While it’s always great to see sports teams doing their part to spread awareness and raise money for a good cause, the best part of Frölunda’s commitment to Movember might be the fantastic photos they take to celebrate the annual event. Last year, their picture was pretty fantastic…but this year, oh man…this year, they created one of the most dapper photos (above) you’re ever likely to see.

Honestly though, it looks like the cast of a Boardwalk Empire spinoff, not a professional hockey team in 2014. And standing at the very front of that photo (above) rocking the gray suit is Joel Lundqvist, brother of New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist. Yes, it appears that ravishing good flow rapidly through that family’s genes.

I don’t follow a whole lot of Swedish Hockey League action but if Frölunda looks anywhere near as good on the ice as they do off of it, I like their chances this season.


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