Kevin Garnett dunks on Gasol
KG - A Celtic in every sense of the word

Kevin Garnett came to the Boston Celtics and led the revamped team to the NBA Championship in 2008 (alongside Paul Pierce, of course).

It all happened so quickly that the fans in Boston, who simply worship their sports heroes, fast-tracked his application to the guild of local sports legends.  He never had a chance (or a reason) to butter them up with anti-Lakers/Yankees/Jets/DC United/Canadiennes, etc. propaganda.

Which makes the fact that he did it anyway even more impressive.  The future hall-of-famer recently released the “BEAT LA” sneaker, which he will debut on Sunday’s nationally televised (ABC 3:30 — you already know) clash with their rivals from out west.

Chinese sneaker company Anta made the green and white suede shoes.  They also sponsor KG.  Granted, they may not match any of Esco’s top 5 Nike bball shoes in terms of aesthetic beauty, but they cause Celtics fans everywhere to nod in agreement.

On the tongue are the numbers “152-120” — a reference to the Celtics’ the all-time record against the Lakers.  I thought it may have been the score of game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals, but it wasn’t.  It was actually 131-92, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, check out the images below.  And KG, on behalf of the City of Boston and it’s residents, I’d like to officially declare that you are one of us…  One of us… One of us…

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KG Beat LA Sneakers
KG's kicks endear himself to Boston and the Celtics... and he didn't even have to do it.

(Hat-tip to for the find)

(dedicated to The Diplomat and Sal — the biggest Lakers fan I know)