Everson Griffen Arrest 1

Incident Today, January 31st, 2010 around 4:10 pm

Everson Griffen, a former USC student and current Vikings defensive end, was driving his yellow ‘pimped out’ Porsche 911 near the USC campus in Los Angeles. After stopping at a stop light on 28th Street (Fraternity Row), he accelerated to high speeds blasting music and then made a left onto Hoover Street. Police promptly pulled him over on Hoover just south of 30th Street where they asked him to get out of his car. The police asked Griffen to get out of the car and he proceeded to exit the vehicle with his hands out. After police started talking with him, he took off running. They called in back up and a police helicopter was sent to the scene as well as numerous DPS (Department of Public Safety) and police officers. Everson was caught by the authorities, tased, and apprehended. They then proceeded to search his car.

Griffen was later taken away on a stretcher in an ambulance. Numerous license plates were found in his car.

Earlier today Griffen was seen around campus on his ‘fixie’ bike with his Gucci messenger bag. Trojan football players also confirmed that Griffen was at USC today and had been the entire weekend where he was promoting a club in downtown Los Angeles.

– First-hand report and photos given by anonymous Cosby Sweaters insider and student at USC

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