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FIFA should have seen this one coming … for a while now. Ever since the most recent World Cup, which demonstrated the flaws of FIFA’s concussion protocol to the eyes of the world, FIFA should have expected a lawsuit to emerge. Today, a lawsuit arrived.

According to the New York Times, FIFA — and other soccer organizations like U.S. Soccer — is being sued by soccer parents and players in California. The plaintiffs aren’t seeking any sort of monetary gain from the lawsuit, however. Instead, they’re hoping for a change in FIFA’s rules. From the New York Times:

The suit seeks an injunction that would change the way soccer is played at all levels. Children under 17 would be limited in how many times they are allowed to head the ball. The suit also seeks to require professional and other advanced leagues — which are currently limited to three substitutions per game — to allow temporary substitutions while a player is examined for a head injury. Medical testing would also be available for soccer players who competed as long ago as 2002 and are now suffering from the effects of concussions.

You can read the full report from New York Times here.

[The New York Times]

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