Donald Trump moaning Donald Trump moaning

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is publicly stepping out against the idea of transgender women competing against other women in sports. However, the 2024 Republican frontrunner for President had an incredibly strange moment recently where he moaned and made other disturbing sounds while discussing female athletes.

Trump, who is currently facing 37 felony charges from the Department of Justice over his classified document fiasco, recently gave a speech at the Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner. While being honored as “Man of the Decade,” he started discussing some of the policies he wanted to focus on in the upcoming election. One of them was the desire to make sure transgender athletes can’t compete against people of their chosen sex.

As a way to try and make his point, he started talking about how transgender women are breaking long-standing records in women’s weightlifting competitions and began emulating a cisgender woman attempting to lift a heavy barbell but failing, which included moaning and grunting noises that no one needed to hear or see. He then followed that with an impersonation of a transgender woman easily lifting a barbell.

It’s not the only time Trump has made weird noises while trying to make his points. In fact, there’s now a whole compilation of his creepy sounds while pretending to lift weights.

What a weirdo.

[The Independent]

About Sean Keeley

Along with writing for Awful Announcing and The Comeback, Sean is the Editorial Strategy Director for Comeback Media. Previously, he created the Syracuse blog Troy Nunes Is An Absolute Magician and wrote 'How To Grow An Orange: The Right Way to Brainwash Your Child Into Rooting for Syracuse.' He has also written non-Syracuse-related things for SB Nation, Curbed, and other outlets. He currently lives in Seattle where he is complaining about bagels. Send tips/comments/complaints to