Travis Kelce Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Kansas City Chiefs star tight end Travis Kelce is heading into his 12th season in the NFL. And after spending a lot of time in the league, he recently revealed a pretty significant change in the way he approaches practice later in his career.

During a interview on the set of his shoot for Zen Water’s “Find Yours” campaign, Travis Kelce revealed how he takes a much more “professional” approach to practice now than he did earlier in his career.

“I’m so much more professional on the field now,” Kelce said according to People Magazine. “When I was younger, it was kind of like, just go out here and, man, it’s gonna be a hard practice, you’re gonna be running a lot, and I wouldn’t complain about it, but I would just know it’s gonna be a grind.”

But now, as a more veteran player in the league, Kelce says that he takes a much more thoughtful and measured approach to practice as he embraces the mental portion in addition to the physical portion.

“Nowadays, I’m thinking more of why Coach Reid loves this play. Why does Pat [Mahomes] like this route versus this coverage? It’s more of a chess mentality of how we’re going to beat our opponents than it is just I’m an athlete and I’m just a football player,” Kelce said.

It’s certainly a pretty major change, and it’s undoubtedly helped him become one of the most dominant tight ends in the history of the game.

[People Magazine]