Taylor Swift Super Bowl Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce and pop sensation Taylor Swift have obviously spent a lot of time together over the past several months, but with Swift now continuing the international leg of her Eras Tour, they can’t naturally spend as much time together. And apparently, Swift is not happy about that.

According to an inside source from Life & Style Magazine, Taylor Swift is feeling some major separation anxiety while on tour and it is “very worrisome” for her friends.

“They’re going to be facing their longest time apart. He’ll make some trips to see her, but she can’t be leaving tour to see him so she’s got to leave this all up to him and it’s making her very anxious,” the insider told Life & Style. “Her separation anxiety has kicked in big time and it’s very worrisome for friends who think it’s a bad sign that she’s so panicked about having to have time apart from him.”

Obviously, it’s good that Kelce and Swift have such a strong bond, but according to the source, her friends don’t seem to think the dependence on Kelce is necessarily healthy.

“But from her friends’ perspective, she ought to be able to enjoy her own company still. Before he came along, she was so excited about touring, and now it’s like she can’t enjoy it unless he’s with her,” the source said.

We’ll have to see how she handles this time apart from Kelce.

[Life & Style]