Taylor Swift Super Bowl Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

There are obvious benefits to being one of the most famous individuals on the planet, but there are some pretty clear drawbacks, too. And it sounds like Taylor Swift has not exactly had the easiest life as she tries to maintain some semblance of privacy despite her soaring fame.

Taylor Swift has only seen her fame and popularity increase in recent months after she began dating Kansas City Chiefs superstar tight end Travis Kelce and opened herself up to a whole new audience, and it sounds like it’s nearly impossible that she doesn’t get noticed.

“She’s arguably one of the most famous people in the world now. Even Hollywood superstars and royals are throwing themselves at her feet constantly. There’s nowhere she can go where she isn’t recognized,” an unnamed source told The National Enquirer this week.

As the source points out, this has led her to embrace a variety of creative approaches to going out in public without being noticed, leaving her to live a sort of secret life with wigs and disguises.

“It’s not like she can go out and live any kind of normal life, so it’s made her more dependent on her disguises. When she isn’t making an appearance, she rarely goes anywhere without a wig. She’s always been into dressing up in disguises, partly for fun and partly because she values her privacy,” the source continued.

“There are also times she’s hidden in giant suitcases to get in somewhere without being spotted. And once she went so far as to hide inside a recycling bin to be wheeled into an NFL game!”

Based on these reports, there’s a chance that she and Kelce have been on dates and nobody even recognized them.

[National Enquirer]