When he was head coach of the New York Jets, Rex Ryan made the courageous decision to get a Jets-themed tattoo. Of his wife. Wearing a Jets Mark Sanchez jersey.


And while it may take psychoanalysts decades to unravel Ryan’s thought process behind that particular tattoo, Ryan didn’t have the tattoo removed now that he’s the head coach of the Buffalo Bills. Instead, he updated it over the Super Bowl weekend to reflect his new team’s colors.

Mr. Ryan flew to the Phoenix area last week for media appearances during Super Bowl week. On Thursday, he called a Scottsdale, Ariz., tattoo parlor called Old Town Ink, said Ben Verhoek, an artist there. Mr. Verhoek said Mr. Ryan explained his dilemma like this: “It’s like a girl in a jersey and I wanted to change the colors of it.”

What was once Jets green is now Bills blue. Hopefully, Ryan’s tenure in Buffalo will be long enough so that he can appreciate his new ink. There’s no word yet if Ryan also had the ‘6’ changed to ‘3’to acknowledge his new quarterbacking situation in Buffalo either.

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[Wall Street Journal]