Tim Walz Syndication: GoErie.com

Legendary football coach Pete Carroll, known for winning championships at the University of Southern California as well as a Super Bowl with the Seattle Seahawks, has been enjoying his first year of retirement after stepping away from the Seahawks.

It looks like retirement for him doesn’t mean sitting on his hands. Carroll is making waves after he was spotted at a high-profile political event.

According to Komon News, Caroll was seen at a private fundraising event for Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the upcoming November election. The event was held in Hunts Point on Tuesday morning, per Komon.

Walz spoke about Hurricane Milton, a terrible hurricane that is encroaching on the coast of Florida, and also made remarks about Republican candidate Donald Trump. According to the Boston Globe’s Sam Brodey, that wasn’t all Walz had to say at the event.

“Walz told guests that Washington and Minnesota have “a lot in common. One thing that’s not in common, Coach Carroll, is Super Bowl rings,” Brodey reported in a tweet.

Walz hails from Minnesota and is a Vikings fan. If there’s one message that’s sure to resonate with Washington residents, it’s the support of Super Bowl rings. Carroll’s presence was a masterful play at reinforcing the message.

With the support of sports figures as influential as Carroll behind his campaign, it’s hard to imagine Walz coming up short in the election in November.

It’ll be interesting to see who else Walz manages to recruit to his side.

[Komon News]

About Qwame Skinner

Qwame Skinner has loved both writing and sports his entire life. At Next Impulse, Qwame covers sports with the same enthusiasm he brings to his recreational basketball and softball leagues.