The No Fun League strikes again.

Athletic apparel brand Adidas had planned to run a promotion where the three fastest runners of the NFL Combine’s 40 yard dash wearing adidas cleats would each get a free Porsche with a giant cheetah decal on the side.

Because, you know, FAST.

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Unfortunately, the NFL wouldn’t allow Adidas to give away the cars at the Combine due to sponsorship issues. According to Darren Rovell of ESPN, the Porsche giveaway would have conflicted with the NFL’s partnership with General Motors.

On the bright side, Adidas hasn’t scrapped the idea of a giveaway entirely. The three fastest 40 yard dash runners will now get $100,000 each from Adidas. Considering that the Porsche is valued at $83,000, the three Combine participants who run the fastest 40 time may actually be coming out ahead in this (unless they are really into the idea of having a sports car with spotted cat print running down its backside).

[SB Nation]