Micah Parsons Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports

Dallas Cowboys linebacker Micah Parsons was not with the team as they began their OTAs this week, but it doesn’t sound like it’s anything to be concerned about.

During a recent press conference, Dallas Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy was asked about Micah Parsons and he revealed that Parsons has been “in and out” of the team’s voluntary offseason workouts, sending a pretty clear message to Parsons that he “hasn’t missed anything.”

“Micah has been in and out. Spent a lot of time with him Friday. He looks great. He’s in excellent shape. He hasn’t missed anything,” McCarthy said according to Michael Gehlken of The Dallas Morning News.

As Gehlken reports, Parsons has been training by himself and is expected to rejoin the team later this offseason, and he’s not bothered by anybody who criticizes his decision to train individually instead of with the team.

“It doesn’t bother me because I know I’m putting in the work,” he said following Monday’s workout with Mack. “It more bothers me that people would think that I’m not doing everything I imagine possible to be the best player I can be to help win a championship. It’s more of that. … The greatness, the spirit, it’s all in me, and I want it more than anybody.

“The [playoff] loss hurts. I’m not worried about no money, no nothing. That failure sits deep more than anything else.”

Parsons is clearly motivated to lead the Cowboys to more success this season.

[Dallas Morning News]