Joe Burrow Joe burrow

Cincinnati Bengals star quarterback Joe Burrow is not typically one to shy away from conversations about pretty much anything, but there was one question he refused to answer during a recent interview.

During a recent interview with Ben Felderstein of Complex, Joe Burrow was asked to rank the top-five quarterbacks in the NFL right now, including himself. But he clearly had no interest in answering the question.

“I’m going to stay away from that one. There’s so many good ones. But I mean, I think we were just talking about it earlier, there’s so many good ones right now that it’s just an exciting time because there’s so many guys that are playing the game at a high level. And like I said, diverse skill sets are a lot of fun to watch,” Burrow told Complex.

“So I don’t like lists like that because I feel like it takes away from certain people’s accomplishments and there’s not just a top five of all time. There’s not just a top five in the game right now and it can change week to week. The guy that’s the best one Sunday isn’t going to be the best next Sunday. So many ups and downs. I just think that those lists aren’t really serving anybody. There’ve been so many great quarterbacks that have paved the way for other great quarterbacks to come after them. So I think those lists kind of take away from that.”

Clearly, Burrow wants to just leave conversations like that for the fans and the media.
