
If you have way too much time on your hands and an unhealthy obsession with how Tom Brady prepares his footballs for game day, then today is your lucky day as the transcript for Tom Brady’s appeal was made public.

For Brady’s testimony, skip to page 47 of the transcript, which can be found here.

Tom Brady Deflategate appeal hearing with Roger Goodell

For everyone else, Brady (spoilers!) is pretty adamant in his innocence. Basically, Brady’s whole reaction to Deflategate is summed up pretty well in this one answer that he gave to a question on what he thought when he first heard about Deflategate:

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Q: Okay. And what was your reaction when you heard about that?
A: I couldn’t believe it. I think I said it’s ridiculous.

Brady may be right but it’s down right hilarious that Deflategate has grown into such a shambling monster of a “scandal” that Tom Brady has literally had to discuss how he likes his footballs in incredibly precise detail:

[Pats Pulpit]