dan marino hall of fame 660 reuters

It was reported yesterday that Dan Marino had joined 14 other players to sue the NFL for hiding information about the long-term effects of head trauma and its relationship to football.

It now appears that Marino is withdrawing his name from the suit. A report by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel was able to get this explanation from a source:

“It was never Marino’€™s intention to initiate litigation in this case, but to ensure that in the event he had adverse health consequences down the road, he would be covered with health benefits. They are working to correct the error.”

Yes, nothing says “I suffer from no head-related injuries” like accidentally suing a multi-billion dollar organization.

In all seriousness, this probably springs from the settlement that the NFL reached that set aside a $765 million fund for future claimants of football-related head injuries. It puts former players like Dan Marino in an awkward position as they may not be experiencing long-term concussion symptoms yet but they are understandably worried about how much of that fund will be left should they experience any difficulties in the future.

Dan Marino reported sustaining two concussions over the course of his playing career. The Dolphins’ legend is reportedly now trying to figure out how his name got attached to the lawsuit.€

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