Brittney Griner Rick Scuteri-USA TODAY Sports

Former NFL superstar Antonio Brown has emerged as quite a controversial figure, particularly after his retirement from the league. He’s been the source of many unsavory headlines and social media controversies in recent months. And it looks like he’s at it again with some recent comments on the WNBA.

This week, Antonio Brown offered a pretty scathing and controversial commentary on the WNBA as he responded to a report claiming that the league was still set to lose $50 million despite a recent surge in popularity. Brown went on to call the WNBA “a charity for lesbians.”

“This why I’ve found all the WNBA talk to be hilarious. Nobody actually watches it. So when you’re arguing about it, you’re not really arguing about a professional sport. It’s more of just a charity for lesbians,” Brown said in a post on X, the social media website that was formerly known as Twitter.

Brown has been the subject of many unflattering headlines since retiring from the NFL after he exposed himself to a woman in a public pool in 2022, allegedly defrauded a jewelry store the same year, and has been accused of failing to pay a large amount of child support, to name a few of his misdeeds. He also recently filed for bankruptcy.

Needless to say, this controversial stance is not necessarily surprising.

[Antonio Brown]