We are all ready for Gangnam to go out of Style, but Roy Hibbert apparently enjoys watching the world burn. The International Song du Jour mixed with the timeless Flash Mob classic is a sad attempt by the Pacers’ PR team. But they are trying. It’s not everyday you see an 86 inch man performing a choreographed dance in a midwestern mall.


As much as I enjoy Hibbert’s big-man-passing-skills, otherworldly hook shots, and John-Ralphio Assists, this video almost made me turn my back on Big Roy. Now if there was a video involving all the great Hoya centers, that would be something. Ewing, Mutombo, Zo, and Roy doing the Humpty Dance with John Thompson playing the hype man. Ok good. Gangnam Style is no longer stuck in my head.


h/t mashable


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