Jahlil Okafor is quickly realizing how ruthless American professional sports are. Although he already received a crash course on the unforgiving nature of fans and media during his one-year stint at Duke, the new Sixers big man is already learning you must be a perfect human with perfect behavior, perfect decisions and perfect everything. If not, you will be thrown to the wolves with patrons shelling out big bucks to see your body mangled.

Maybe that’s a tad graphic but it fits the mini pickle that he finds himself in. At the conclusion of the Sixers introductory press conference for their three new draft picks, instead of gently laying his jersey down on the table, he pissed on it and threw it in the trash can. No, not really but judging by the hostile reactions he received for dropping it on table, he should’ve got his money’s worth and actually done something brutally disrespectful:

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[Twitter: @jasonrmcintyre]