
Last week, it was reported that the Los Angeles Clippers were likely going to rebrand itself with a new logo and jersey scheme.

The reworked LAC logo literally looked like a paper clip and the jerseys were pretty damn uninspiring, from the circular badge look of the logo that is already being done to death by other NBA teams to the ho-hum black jersey that seems to be the default colorway for any design that wants to be “edgy” without incorporating any actual “edgy” elements into their design.


On Monday, Paul Lukas of Uni-Watch was able to get his hands on more images of the Clippers’ proposed rebranding. He also stated that multiple sources have confirmed that the designs are legitimate and that this is the look that the Clippers will use soon enough.

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Now, you might be saying, “Okay, so somebody proposed this design. But are the Clippers really using it?” Several different sources have confirmed to me that they are.

In addition to the above black jersey, Lukas provided a look at three more jerseys – a red jersey, a blue jersey and a white jersey. The white jerseys will be the team’s primary home jersey while the red will be the home alternate. The blue jersey will be the team’s main away jersey while the black jersey will act as the away alternate.



In addition, here’s the terrible Clippers logo in all of its various forms.


The primary jerseys seem unnecessarily busy and way too plain at the same time, especially the two sweeping lines that highlight ‘CLIPPERS’ on the jerseys. Meanwhile, the less said about the alternates, the better (Ok, the black ones look like a nightmarish clash between a Brooklyn Nets’ jersey and an NBA All-Star uniform while the design of the red ones make the pink of “LA” clash horribly with the red of the uniform).

Can’t wait to see these awful things in action!
