gatorade be like mike remix

Gatorade has been celebrating its 50th anniversary and it aired a re-mastered version of its “Be Like Mike” commercial starring Michael Jordan last month as a part of the brand’s festivities.

Seeing as one can never get enough of that catchy “Be Like Mike” jingle, Gatorade has now remixed its iconic MJ ad into three different concepts.

There’s the “Dream Like Mike” remix that (honestly, a little awkwardly) intercuts a smiling young Michael Jordan onto a dude’s driveway for a little one-on-one action (like MJ would ever pal around with any opponent, even on a suburban driveway).

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Then there’s the more conceptual “Move Like Mike” which uses a couple of basketball players to “power” the “Be Like Mike” commercial on various screens like some human hamster wheel experiment with a basketball twist.

Lastly, there’s the most successful of the remixes, “Groove Like Mike” that takes the Gatorade commercial and puts a great animated spin on it that looks wonderful and fresh while never losing what made the original ad so much fun.

Nothing beats the original though.
