A nephew of Dwyane Wade was among a group of six men that were shot in a Chicago convenience store. The shooting occurred around 6:00 PM in Chicago’s South Side. One of the shooting victims died and the five others were injured (one of the five injured was Wade’s nephew).

Two men jumped out of an SUV, walked into the store, opened fire, and escaped.

In a statement prepared for release before the game, Wade says he does not have all the details, but that his “thoughts and prayers are with all involved.” Wade says his nephew remains hospitalized, but is doing well.

The SUV was found abandoned near 76th Street and Ashland Avenue, police said. Detectives were reviewing surveillance video from both inside and outside the store, but no one was reported in custody.

The motive for the shooting was unclear, but police said at least one of the six victims may have been selling drugs in or around the store earlier in the day.

Thoughts and prayers are with all six victims, including the victims’ friends and family. Let’s hope the shooters get brought to justice.

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