
Despite the allegations charged against him by fellow kicker Josh Scobee, Oakland Raiders kicker Sebastian Janikowski says he is a huge Athletic’s fan.

Scobee recently said that Janikowski once told him that he actively roots for the Athletics to lose because the sooner Oakland’s season is over, the sooner the A’s infield is removed from Coliseum’s field.

Janikowski went on to refute the report and even went as far as saying the conversation never happened (Sort of like this conversation with a former Oakland A never happened).

The kicker also provided this gem of a quote:

When Jason (Giambi) was with the A’s, I was going to games. Now, with two kids, not so much. But they make the postseason? I’m in. I’ve kicked 14 years on it (the dirt). It really doesn’t bother me.

We’d love to sit down and talk Moneyball with Janikowski one day.

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