According to this SportsNation poll on ESPN.com today, 71% of Americans polled would prefer the Sacramento Kings relocating to Seattle and becoming the Seattle Sonics. That’s a pretty surprising majority, but if you hover your mouse over the fine state of California, you’ll notice something even more shocking. 56% of the Californians polled even wanted the Kings in Seattle. Now it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that Microsoft CEO and member of the potential Seattle NBA ownership group Steve Ballmer used his Microsoft connections to force all Windows computers to vote for Seattle, but that seems doubtful.
As a Seattle native who loves and misses NBA basketball, this whole situation is very bittersweet. On one hand, I feel for the fans in Sacramento and don’t want them (or anyone, for that matter) to have to go through what we went through up here. On the other hand, I want one of my favorite childhood teams back in Seattle. Hopefully a solution will present itself that will benefit both cities, although that doesn’t seem very likely at this point.