He hits hard.

53 years ago today, Randy Couture (presumably) punched his way into this world. The former MMA star was monster in many rings, winning six UFC titles amongst many Greco-Roman medals in an abundance of competitions. He’s fought a number other titans of the industry as well, with names like Brock Lesnar and Chuck Liddell on his CV. Basically, the man is a monster.

Randy has also kept himself busy outside of the ring, appearing in movies and shows such as Redbelt and Hawaii Five-O. Possibly his greatest role, however, has been in the Expendables franchise, known simply as the character Toll Road. Yes- the man’s name is Toll Road.

And yes, that is in fact Stone Cold Steve Austin facing off against Mr. Couture. Clearly, Randy missed out on his opportunity to rule over the WWE as well. We here at NIS would like to congratulate “The Natural” on his 53 years to beating the hell out of life. Happy birthday, sir – please don’t ever hit us.

[Randy Couture]