If you know the staff here at Cosby Sweaters, you know we love/need our Prilosec OTC. Some of us more than others, to be sure, but that one pill in the morning sure helps us with our various causes of heartburn which you don’t need to hear more about.

Luckily, Prilosec OTC loves us and Yardbarker, too, and has asked us to help announce the Prilosec OTC Wild American Flavor Tour!  In an effort to highlight its new product, Prilosec OTC Wildberry (Prilosec OTC with a burst of Wildberry flavor – yes!) they are sending their spokesman, Larry The Cable Guy, to tailgate at  four of the nation’s biggest upcoming sporting events:

OCT 7: NASCAR at Talladega  – We shouldn’t have to tell you much about NASCAR at Talladega.  Talladega is one of the most famous racetracks on the circuit and always provides an amazing experience!

OCT. 27: Michigan at Nebraska – Two powerhouse college football programs collide for this monster game!  Their seventh meeting in school history, with Nebraska winning the 2005 Alamo Bowl the last time they met.

NOV. 11: NASCAR at Phoenix – The NASCAR boys (and girls) are back again on the Wild American Flavor Tour!

DEC. 9: Detroit Lions at Green Bay Packers – You didn’t think for a second that they’d miss a chance to tailgate a NFL game, did you? This game could have serious playoff implications and, if we’re lucky, Ed Hochuli’s guns!

Also as part of the program, Prilsoec OTC Wildberry is running a sweepstakes where fans can win a chance to attend 3 of the most important sports events in America!  WIN. FREE. STUFF.

From now until January 15, 2013, you can enter to win at www.WildberryFlavor.com!

Be sure and check back for more content later!

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