Tiger Woods Tiger Woods at the 8th green at the 2024 PGA Championship second round Friday at Valhalla Golf Course in Louisville, Kentucky. May 17, 2024.

Tiger Woods had a disappointing go at the 2024 PGA Championship, missing the cut after an uninspiring performance on Thursday and Friday. As he looks towards the remaining majors, he seems to realize that things need to be far better if he wants to contend in the future.

Woods kept himself in the mix on Thursday, finishing at one-over-par. With a good round on Friday, he certainly had a shot to potentially make the cut and make a move on the weekend.

But that didn’t happen. Woods struggled to get any positive momentum in Round Two on Friday, finishing his second round at six-over-par, a total of seven-over-par for the tournament. This was eight strokes off of the projected cut line at -1.

After the poor showing on Friday, Woods spoke to reporters, detailing what went wrong and how he can fix it in future events.

“Just kept making mistakes and things you can’t do, not just in tournaments but in Majors especially,” said Woods via The Mirror. “And I just kept making them. I hung around for most of the day but unfortunately the damage was done early.”

What Woods was referring to was his disastrous start to his round on Friday, which featured two triple-bogeys. By the time he did get into a rhythm, the damage was indeed already done.

He later discussed how he plans to improve his game moving forward, saying that he believes that he is getting better physically, and can patch up some of his errors.

“My game will get better,” said Woods.  “In time. I need to play more. Unfortunately, I just haven’t played a whole lot of tournaments, and not a whole lot of tournaments on my schedule either. Hopefully everything will somehow come together in my practice sessions at home and be ready for Pinehurst. I need to clean up my rounds. Physically, yes, I am better than I was a month ago. I still have more ways to go, lots of improvement to go physically, and hopefully my team and I can get that done pre-Pinehurst and going into it.”

Only time will tell whether Woods is indeed able to sure up his game. But he very clearly sees that there are real issues to fix at the moment.

[The Mirror]

About Reice Shipley

Reice Shipley is a staff writer for Comeback Media that graduated from Ithaca College with a degree in Sports Media. He previously worked at Barrett Sports Media and is a fan of all things Syracuse sports.